St. Mary Advisory Counsil
The St. Mary School Advisory Council, consisting of the Principal and 9 voting members (two teachers and 7 parents) have setup an e-mail address, stmaryadvisory@yahoo.com to provide an avenue for parents and faculty to submit suggestions for improvement or issues related to school activity or policy.
I: Any person associated with the school is encouraged to send an e-mail to stmaryadvisory@yahoo.com with questions, suggestions or concerns.II: E-mail will be checked frequently for new activity by one of the Advisory Council Officers.
III: Only the Advisory Council Officers (President, Vice President and Secretary) will have access to read incoming messages.
IV: Items submitted will be reviewed by the Advisory Council Officers to ensure the guidelines, listed below, have been followed.
V: If the guidelines are followed, the item will be distributed to all members for review and discussed at next Advisory Council monthly meeting.
VI: Items that require resolution will be determined by a majority count of the voting Council members.
VII: If requested, a reply will be sent to the original e-mail.
I: E-mails are expected to be written in a constructive and respectful manner.II: We encourage you to identify yourself in the e-mail to so we can properly thank you for your suggestions or respond to your concern. All e-mails will remain confidential.
III: Any message containing derogatory comments or profanity will be immediately deleted.
IV: Any message interpreted as a direct threat to any person or facility will immediately be turned over to the Griffith Police Department.
V: We would also like to receive constructive criticism and positive feedback to promote growth in our school.
VI: If you do not have e-mail, or prefer not to use e-mail, you may send your suggestion to the school office via child's folder or hand delivered. Please address the envelope to the St. Mary Advisory Council.
Officers for the 2016-2017 school year are as follows:
- Michael Voyak - Vice President
- Linda Ruby - Treasurer
- Angelica Moya - Secretary